

I love creating intuitive and modern UI's with JavaScript and frontend libraries/frameworks like React. I have experience with many of the tools used in the React ecosystem such as Hooks, dynamic API integration, authentication best practices, Redux state management, GraphQL for more streamline queries, React Router, Styled Components, and component/state structuring for the fastest and most efficient UI/UX achievable.


I am comfortable designing and architecting clean, maintainable, and scalable back-ends using express/node.js to support high level web traffic using relational or non-relational databases like PostgresQL, MySQL, or MongoDB. I have containerized with Docker and deployed applications with AWS.

best practices

I have knowledge of professional software engineering practices & best practices for full software development life cycle, including coding standards, code reviews, source control management, test-driven development in order to ensure code integrity by using Jest and Enzyme or Mocha and Chai, continuous deployments, and agile methodologies

featured projects


Elysium Solutions

Elysium Solutions is an apparel shopping app with a focus on modern and accessible user interactions. This app was built from the ground up and is the product detail / overview module of an entire single page e-commerce web application in a service oriented / microservices architecture.


Delphi System Designs

Delphi System Designs is a back-end focused initiative that optimized inherited front end legacy code. The front-end consists of the Ratings and Reviews module of a single page e-commerce web application within a service-oriented / microservices architecture. I was tasked with designing a scalable backend that could withstand high level web traffic. I tested my routes under pressure using load testing technologies and optimized query times for production.

JavascriptExpressNode.jsPostgresQLAWSArtillery.ioNew Relic

Dirtbag Companion

An application for dirtbag (and non-dirtbag) climbers and outdoors enthusiasts! This single page mini app is here to serve the user by providing them with general information about fifty of some of the most popular routes in the Boulder outdoor climbing scene.

ReactExpressNode.jsBootstrapMongoDB AtlasHeroku

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